Lucas Neal
Happy 4 Months, little man! Let me just tell you, you are so. much. FUN! You have been much more awake, alert and are showing off your adorable happy-go-lucky personality. The past few weeks you have grown up so much and its almost if we can literally SEE you learning something new each and every day. You make us so proud :)
Daily Routine:
Well, hmm. :) You've been consistently going to bed about 7:30pm and waking up around 12-1 and again 4-5am to eat. You usually get up for the day about 7:30am and eat about 8am. Your morning nap is 9-10:30ish, eat again around noon, afternoon nap 2-3:30ish, eat at 3:45, and last little nap from 5:15-6. I must say, this is working out GREAT! I love that I am able to feed you 4 out of the 6 times you eat. If you stick to this, you are usually one happy guy!
Weight: 2 weeks ago we weighed you and you were 16 pounds. I'll update after your 4-month doctor visit on Thursday.
Length: ?
Diaper Size: Size 3.
Clothes Size: 9 months is just perfect in most things, or 6-12 months. Pants are difficult to fit over your ever-so-lovable squishy thighs. :)
So thankful for a healthy month!
It's so nice that you can go 4+ hours without eating now. You eat around 5 ounces each time.
You've been rolling from your back to tummy here and there, but not all THAT often. You grab at everything-- and can be quite forceful and strong when you're angry! You love to swat at toys, and feel different textures (blankets, clothes, paper). Sadie and you have developed a little bond, and I think you adore her. We sleep trained you this week, (whew!) and although there were about 3 rough nights of lots of crying, you seem much happier now. You no longer sleep swaddled and are now wiggling all around your crib each night.
Your favorite toy:
We got you a jumperoo and you LOVE it!! I love to hear you screech and watch you kick your legs.
-Sleeping without the swaddle
-Sleeping without the swaddle