Lucas Neal: 16 Months
written Wednesday, April 15th.
It's been four whole months since I've given an update on you, and my have you changed! You have grown so much and are developing the sweetest personality. Your daddy and I love getting to know you more and more each day.
You LOVE animals. As we read books and point out all the different animals, you love to mimic their actions. My favorite right now is your version of an elephant, but your penguin "waddle" is also the cutest. There is a bunny nesting in our backyard that you love to check on, and we're working on perfecting your hop this week. As of today, you wave your arms, clap, shake your head and scoot your bottom--all trying to get your feet off the floor! We ventured out to Deanna Rose last weekend, where you saw cows, goats, horses, pigs, etc. I have a feeling we will be spending quite a bit of time there this summer. I'm so glad it is so close to home!
Along with animals, you also love spending time outside. Now that it's warm, we take walks and wagon rides to the playground every day that we can. If I ask you about a walk or wagon ride, you go straight to the door and grab your hat :) You love to spot all the trash cans "ash-choo" along the way. At first I was so surprised how you could spot a trash can from nearly a mile away! We look at cars, airplanes, and best of all, TRACTORS! You took your first tractor ride at Grandpa's house over Easter weekend and have been spying them all over ever since.

Although you aren't saying too many words yet, I feel like your comprehension is exploding. You know where all of your basic body parts are, and can point to them on us, too. You sign "please" and point to communicate with us-- it is the sweetest. You also follow most directions, like "go upstairs" "grab your milk" "shut the door", etc. Now if only you would "sit on your bottom" when you climb on the fireplace! ;) I'm dying for you to say "mommy", but you have no interest. Your brain is moving a mile a minute and it is the most fascinating thing to observe.
This summer will be SO FUN. I'm excited to plan different adventures for you and I around town, and for you to take your first round swimming lessons! Popsicles on the porch will be fun, too :)
Weight: 26 lbs (76%tile)
Length: 31 inches (80%tile)Diaper Size: 5s
Clothes Size: 18-24 month.
Hair Color: Looking more blonde, less strawberry.
Eye color: Greenish blue?
Health: You are up to 8 teeth now! Four on the top and four on the bottom. Other than fighting a cold nearly every two weeks, you've been fairly healthy! There was a week or two that you were fighting RSV back in February, but it was not nearly as scary as it had been when you were only weeks old. You have your bouts of scrapes and bruises and have given me enough mini-heart attacks to last my life. I have a feeling your risky dangerous behavior is only beginning, though. yikes!

Eating: You stopped nursing at exactly 13 months and the transition was a piece of cake. Definitely a sad moment for the two of us, but it happened so naturally that the end was perfect. I'm so grateful for that time, and looking back, it FLEW by. I do NOT miss packing a pump bag or making bottles, though. Now, you drink whole milk from a sippy cup with each meal, but really just rely on food. You are becoming quite the picky eater. Generally, you will try something, but if it is not a carb or a fruit, it usually falls right out of your mouth. Getting you to ingest a vegetable will be quite the feat, but we've resorted to puree pouches mixed with fruit at this point. Luckily, you love breakfast and will down eggs and fruit like a champ. I'm glad you get at least a good start to your day!
Milestones:Haircut- 12/24/14
Your favorite toy:Wagon
Pots and Pans-- you love to "stir"
Basketball Hoop
Easter 2015:
Your smile is absolutely contagious, and your laugh makes my soul sing. I only hope that you have the slightest idea of how much you are loved, sweet boy.
Love, M