I realize this is extremely late, but better late than never :)
written Thursday, September 25th. Yeah… a little late, whoops!
Nine whole months old! (Plus about a week and a half) You are definitely on. the. move! Crawling and pulling up are your two favorites, along with saying “BA BA BA BA”, which just started last Sunday. For some reason, this has been my FAVORITE milestone of yours and my heart just about melts into a giant puddle every time you mimic your dad and I.
However, this month has been quite the whirlwind, as you can probably tell by the tardiness of this post. We’ve had many doctor visits and unwelcomed sickness in our house. Here’s to hoping that is a thing of the past!
You are becoming more and more interested in books and get particularly excited when reading “Brown bear, Brown bear”, squealing whenever I say, “Ribbit! Ribbit!”. I can definitely tell when you want more food, down on the ground, to be held, tired, etc. much better than ever before. You love to watch other people and are very interested in what they are doing, where they walk, what they have in their hands, etc. So much to learn!
Weight: 21 pounds 13 ounces (72%tile)
Length: 29 cm (70%tile)
Diaper Size: 4's.
Clothes Size: You are in between sizes and we are in between seasons. Mostly 12-month clothes at this point.
Hair Color: Dirty blonde, maybe a hint of red.
Eye color: Blue.
Health: Saturday, Sept. 6th turned into a very long day at our house. We had been planning to have some friends over for the evening and had the house torn apart preparing for them. We had run some errands together that morning and I fed you lunch about 11:30am. Not long after you ate, you started crying quite suddenly. Your dad and I were confused, because you had just gotten up, had eaten, and rarely cry for no reason. We changed your diaper, and put you in your crib to see if you were tired. After just a minute or so, I went and got you and could tell something was bothering you. You were inconsolable and then started getting very “sleepy”. It was almost as if you were passing out, but not quite. We called 911. (Scariest moment EVER). The EMTs showed up and you were crying (good sign) but we still couldn’t figure out what was wrong. They checked you out and found nothing, but we decided to take you to the ER. You started vomiting at that point, and cried all the way to the hospital.

You were examined by a nurse and doctor and then diagnosed with an intussusception after an ultrasound. That meant a trip in the ambulance to the hospital downtown for an air enema procedure and possible surgery (L). You were so tired and uncomfortable and dehydrated. They finally got an IV in you (5th try) and were able to give you some medicine to help with the pain. You slept in my arms and I soaked up every second of that.
Luckily, the procedure went very well and you did not need surgery. We were able to go home late that night and you seemed to be back to normal, although understandably very tired.
Looking back, I am so thankful that this happened on a weekend, during the day, while both your dad and I were home. I am so grateful for the amazing care that was given to you throughout the day, but most importantly that you are WELL!!!!!! You will never understand how much your dad and I love you.
The following Friday, you had your first fever of 101.7… we kept you home from daycare, took you to the doctor, and found you had a double ear infection. Surprisingly, you never once seemed bothered or uncomfortable by the fever or your ears! You are a trooper, son. By Saturday you were back to normal.
Like I said earlier, here’s to having the sickness behind us and to a healthy fall!
The only new food you had this month was yogurt, and you seem to like it! There really is no food you don’t like. You gave it the intial “ick” face, but then begged for more. J You are eating about 6 ounces of food for lunch and dinner, and about 3 ounces for breakfast. We’re still working on you feeding yourself.
Pulling up on all the things.
First tooth! Bottom, left middle. There is a top left middle coming right up, too!
First big boy bath (Monday, Sept. 22)
Your favorite toy:
Anything that makes a sound… banging blocks, the door stop, the air vent, drawers, cabinets. Also anything you can pull up on… chairs, tables, drawers, stairs. Yeah, all the dangerous stuff. I think you would LOVE a musical toy, so we’ll probably look at getting you something like that soon J (Ya, I know what I’m getting myself into…)
Bath in the big tub
Ambulance ride
Your smile continues to be the best part of our day each and every day. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have you as my son. The Best. Best. Best. Job ever is being your mommy!!
Love, M