
Monday, November 25, 2013

38 weeks.

No photo :(

Written November 25th

how far along: 38 weeks.

size of baby: a pumpkin.

maternity clothes: yes.

symptoms: Tight belly- not much room left.  Wrists so sore I can't open doors, turn doorknobs, and most importantly, swipe through my Pinterest feed. Integestion and not very hungry.

exercise: moving in General is difficult at the end of the day, but I'm still pretty quick in the mornings!

cravings/aversions: I ate the best Chik-fil-a sandwich go my life tonight.

movement: Yep! I had a dream that I was freaking people out with the moving baby in my belly. Good thing it's probably only noticeable to me.

Sleep: I have been going to bed early, but am wide awake for at least an hour in the middle of the night.  

gender: oh boy :)

looking forward to: Seeing the little guy in person! And seeing all my family for thanksgiving. Also, I'm a Black Friday sucker- I can't wait to head out with my list.

worries: Crossing my fingers he holds out until Dec. 4 because J has a final on the 3rd. Also just praying for a safe and healthy arrival!

milestones:  Its Thanksgiving week! 

best moment this week:  Finishing up the nursery.  I'll post pictures in a few weeks when I can officially reveal his name. Also did a lot of freezer cooking over the weekend. Ashley came by with her littlest babe to help me with the final touches of the nursery, and to be sure my bags were properly packed!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

37 weeks

Written November 21st.

how far along: 37 weeks.

size of baby: a watermelon?!

maternity clothes: yes.

symptoms: feeling overwhelmed with my "to do" list, when in reality nothing has to be done. I'm in definite get things situated, nesting mode, but also feeling completely unprepared. Physically, the baby feels lower and is causing some discomfort walking, especially later in the day.  My feet are ridiculous looking- it's horrific. My hands are cramped, still. But overall, I'm still feeling great!

exercise: not so much. Does walking target count?

cravings/aversions: I still drink a glass of milk and graham crackers if I'm up in the night. I used to HATE milk. 

movement: Lots! And he's running out of room!

sleep: I've been getting up 2-3 times each night, but can generally get back to sleep pretty quickly. I've had some Braxton hicks this week as well.

gender: oh boy :)

looking forward to: Announcing his name! I can't wait to tell the world :) I had a dream that I accidentally named him one of my students' names... a female student.  Also looking forward to a few days off work, visiting family and some good eating next week.

worries: Slightly concerned he will be early, but I have absolutely no control over that :) 

milestones:  37 weeks = full term!

best moment this week:  Again, I'm behind on this post. I didn't even take a "real" picture.  So much going on! I'm busy at school just keeping up, but also trying to prep for my time away. I officially have a long-term sub lined up which is a huge relief. We celebrated my moms birthday last weekend, which is always fun. I've been to anorher birth class (our last one is tonight). Lots of good things!

On a sadder note, one of my best friends lost her dad this week. My heart is heavy thinking of her and her family.  Another good friend has a 5-year-old daughter who is fighting her battle with leukemia. Please help me pray for these ladies and their families. Squeeze your loved ones tight.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

35 weeks.

Written November 5th.

how far along: 35 weeks.

size of baby: a coconut.

maternity clothes: yes.

symptoms:  Does being excited count? It really is starting to feel close, and I'm just so pumped to meet this guy. Feeling sentimental and blessed to be carrying this baby. Of course there are also some symptoms I'm ready to get rid of- swollen feet, swollen hands (finally lost one of three rings last week), hands are still asleep, and back is still bothering me. Oh, and my belly button has officially "popped".

exercise: Some walks, but more sits. :)

cravings/aversions: I've had this carving for a while, but haven't shared.  I could drink soda water forever, preferably with lime. I blame you, AB.

movement: Lots!

sleep: I've been getting up 2-3 times each night, but can generally get back to sleep pretty quickly.

gender: oh boy :)

looking forward to: We begin our childbirth classes this Thursday- woot! Also, thanksgiving. Because, food and Black Friday and time off work. Oh, and is it too soon to look forward to having my body back? I'm not talking fit and fab, but just the ability to put on socks without feeling like a freak.

worries: Still worried about labor and delivery, but I don't think that will ever go away. 

milestones:  Officially considered nine months pregnant this week. Craziness. Although, I'm starting to feel like I've been pregnant forever.

best moment this week:  I'm a post behind, so technically this was LAST week, but my Aunt threw me an amazing shower for my extended family. It was awesome to get to see so many people I don't get a chance to see that often, and they were so generously spoiling our little man! Great food, great people, great times.