size of baby: a coconut.
maternity clothes: yes.
symptoms: Does being excited count? It really is starting to feel close, and I'm just so pumped to meet this guy. Feeling sentimental and blessed to be carrying this baby. Of course there are also some symptoms I'm ready to get rid of- swollen feet, swollen hands (finally lost one of three rings last week), hands are still asleep, and back is still bothering me. Oh, and my belly button has officially "popped".
exercise: Some walks, but more sits. :)
cravings/aversions: I've had this carving for a while, but haven't shared. I could drink soda water forever, preferably with lime. I blame you, AB.
movement: Lots!
sleep: I've been getting up 2-3 times each night, but can generally get back to sleep pretty quickly.
gender: oh boy :)
looking forward to: We begin our childbirth classes this Thursday- woot! Also, thanksgiving. Because, food and Black Friday and time off work. Oh, and is it too soon to look forward to having my body back? I'm not talking fit and fab, but just the ability to put on socks without feeling like a freak.
worries: Still worried about labor and delivery, but I don't think that will ever go away.
milestones: Officially considered nine months pregnant this week. Craziness. Although, I'm starting to feel like I've been pregnant forever.
best moment this week: I'm a post behind, so technically this was LAST week, but my Aunt threw me an amazing shower for my extended family. It was awesome to get to see so many people I don't get a chance to see that often, and they were so generously spoiling our little man! Great food, great people, great times.
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