
Saturday, January 28, 2012

What I'm Loving Lately.

Warning: selfish, superficial post ahead :)  Some random STUFF that's been on mind/pinterest boards--mostly consisting of food and fashion.

1. Trader Joe's Corn Salsa.

2. Labels.  I think I might be investing in a label maker soon... Organized chaos is what I'm going for here.  Baby steps.

3. Mustard. The color.  In my house, on my clothes, anywhere.  A painting project will be in the works as soon as garage sales season comes around.

4. Craving some new hair-- maybe bangs? uh oh.  Or a cute long bob like Gweneth.  I'm one of those suckers who thinks they'll come out of the salon actually being the person in the photo you bring to your stylist.  Note to self- I'm not Gweneth.

5. Peanut butter and oats and anything else I have on hand (chocolate chips, coconut, butterscotch, blueberries), it's good.  Stirred up right there in the peanut butter jar makes it even better.

6. Colored Cords.  Maybe pale pink? Or turquoise like these.

7. Karen Walker Sunglasses.  Or maybe these more affordable ones from Fred Flare.  They look really great on her and her-- but doesn't everything?

8.  This swimsuit... dreaming....

9. The "runner's high".  My new shoes are definitely helping me stick with my workout goals. It's the little things. Thanks, J!

10.  The weather.  It's like we're making up for those nasty summer days of 150 degrees where we were couped up inside all day.  The Vitamin D does wonders.

Hope everyone's enjoying a good weekend!


  1. Love the colored cords, saw some at Gap the other week and considered a trip to the dressing room! But of course I was too lazy...

    One of these days we have got to run together!
