Thursday, May 31, 2012
What?! That can't be right. This is my 100th post. Thanks to anyone who reads my rantings, babbling and other random thoughts. I love keeping up with friends and other strangers I don't know via the inter-web, and it's fun to have my little spot here, too.
Speaking of blog stalking, if you're not currently using Google Reader's "Next" button feature, it's worth your time (oh, about 3 minutes) to read this post and install it in your bookmarks bar. Basically, it makes clicking through blogs practically as easy as blinking an eye. You don't have to have your own blog to install it, just a google account. The button on your bookmarks bar takes you to the most recent post in the list of blogs for which you are subscribed. (You can also install a "subscribe" button that is equally awesome).
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Diet Coke.
On a whim one day I decided to give something up (not really a whim; it was lent, but I, personally have never participated in Lent until this year). I had consistently drank about 5 cans of diet coke per week for a very, very long time. I had a feeling it was affecting my health, and I knew it wasn't the BEST idea to drink pop, but I kept telling myself that it was "okay" because it's diet. Also, I recently read this after I saw it linked on Pinterest.
I still don't think it's bad to have a pop now and then, but I just haven't really wanted or craved it after I made it 40 days! I know I'll drink one again, occasionally. It's nice to know that I don't NEED a diet coke. And really, it doesn't really do anything for me except make bubbles in my tummy. So now when I'm really thirsty for something of a treat, I drink a beer. Sorry, mom. :)
On a different note, I'm hoping to get back into project posting soon. I have some DIY projects planned for the summer (which BTW, started yesterday!). I accidentally left my computer at my parents, which has only meant I've had more time for
Hope you're having a good week!
27 things,
Monday, May 21, 2012
Some (rambling) Thoughts on Running.
I've always admired those people who could run forever and ever. I thought it was one of those things you either had or you didn't. I looked at them as I drove by thinking "wow, didn't I just see him?, and now he's already at the end of the street? I couldn't run to the end of the block!"...
I've run before, and it does get easier. I ran a 10K about 3 years ago that kicked my butt. I worked so so so so so hard to run 2 miles, and could do that consistently for about 6 months. Then, I quit. It got too hot, I was too busy... blah blah blah.
Then, last spring I got a running buddy. Wow, did that help! She pushed me, it was FUN, we could TALK, we got to go outside... and we got up to running 5 miles! I was so proud of that 5 mile mark. Then, I quit. Although, not totally quit, but mostly quit. I would run for about 30 minutes, walk if I needed, but not really pushing myself.
Then, I made a new year's resolution. The thing is, it wasn't about running. I made a resolution to get healthy. The most drastic change being a mindset of "clean eating" and "clean living". My husband bought me new shoes for Christmas, and I started up again. No goal in mind, just to RUN. It wasn't about losing weight, or crossing a finish line. Luckily, it has been an extremely mild winter/spring, so I was able to run outside. I started out with short, easy runs, and just kept building up. Not motivated by distance at first, but just wanting more of a challenge, just pushing myself further. I made it up to 3 miles, then 4, then I started getting more confidence. I signed up for a 10 mile race and finished. Then, two weeks later, I ran 14 miles on my own. I would love to do an official 1/2 marathon, but more than anything, I want to NOT quit. I've maintained about a 7-8 mile long run almost each week, and have improved my time lately due to the mapmyrun update! (There's a nice, and sometimes rude, lady that interrupts your run to tell you your pace, distance, etc.)
Anyways, that's a lot of rambling--mostly to remind myself why I shouldn't quit whenever that feeling hits me again. I'll bookmark this post, read it, and hopefully lace back up my shoes! Below are some of my revelations regarding this whole running nonsense:
It's not about a number (distance, time, weight), it's about a feeling.
- "Trap" Yourself. This little game I play with myself forces me to run long distances. You see, I have my husband drive me far, far away, and then the only way to get home is to run, or walk, or crawl. It takes away the running in a circle, or to a "turn-around" half-way point that is so boring, and way too tempting to cheat.
- Don't walk the hills. If you have to walk, wait until a decline, and most often, you won't feel like walking.
- Get the gear. My armband, capris, tank, shoes, and socks are all comfy!
- Run in the rain. It's so much better than the heat, and there's no one else out there!
- Don't wait for the perfect time, just go. I used to think if I ate something, or it was too hot, or too cold, I should put it off another day. It's never as bad as it sounds. Well, not usually.
- On the same note, if you feel like running, RUN; the feeling won't last.
- Some runs just suck.
- Treadmills suck.
- Night showers. Sounds crazy, but figuring out how to make my crazy mane manageable with a night shower saves so much time! I don't go to bed sweaty, and still only have one shower per day. TMI? Sorry.
- Get some good tunes.
- MapMyRun.
I'm by all means, not an expert runner. I still honestly don't even feel like I can call myself a "runner". Please feel free to share your own "tips" that help keep yourself motivated!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
A list: 26 things for a happy life.
You all know my love of lists. After my post yesterday, I saw this post on bellaMUMMA. A great reminder for weeks like this one. I might have to print this off and post it somewhere I can read it more often.
1. Always dress well
2. Never reveal all
3. Find a local coffee house to frequent
4. Bring fresh flowers into your home
5. Choose to learn and grow every day
6. Slow down
7. Eat & drink less, savour more
8. Write thank you notes
9. Create a sanctuary that instills tranquility
10. Enjoy the morning
11. Drink water
12. Have a handful of go-to recipes that are sure to impress
13. Maintain your mystery
14. Reduce the clutter {clothes, decor, unhealthy relationships}
15. Choose quality {clothing staples, food – fresh, not processed}
16. Befriend people of all ages
17. Trust your instincts
18. Drink good wine
19. Have mandatory “me” time regularly
20. Be the kindness and quiet strength you want to see in the world
21. Enjoy meals around the table more often
22. Chase your dreams, but never chase a man
23. First walk around in someone else’s shoes before jumping to conclusions
24. Always do your best
25. When you get grumpy, take a nap
26. Revel in the knowledge that life is yours to create – get busy!
(originally posted on The Simply Luxurious Life)
Monday, May 7, 2012
At the moment.
i preface this post.... i'm tired, cranky, and overwhelmed. sometimes it's just not all that sweet, but that's life! :)
:: Obsessing over...
:: Working on...
unpacking from our trip over the weekend. why is this task so daunting?
:: Thinking about...
the never ending list of things to do.
:: Anticipating...
:: Listening to...
nothing, really. anyone have suggestions for some new tunes?
:: Munching on...
homemade granola. j makes this once a week and eats it with every meal, no joke.
:: Wishing...
that some friends lived closer.
:: Thankful for...
my iPhone. yeah, that's superficial and all, but the 20+ hours I spent in the car over the weekend would not have been the same without it.
i'll be back later this week with some less boring updates! (i hope) :)
at the moment,
fun finds,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The EveryGirl Wedding Week!
You guys, I'm so excited!
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Our wedding has been chosen to be featured in The EveryGirl's Wedding Week feature! Wedding Week starts May 7th! What an honor!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Birthday Photo Dump.
My 26th Birthday has come and gone. Here are some photos of the sweetness.
Good morning. |
Student love. |
Friend love. |
Puppy love. |
How adorable is the present from my Hubby?! |
Husband love. |
Dinner with my family. Too bad I was so stuffed I could barely eat this! Don't worry, I managed. |
And then I ate one of these homemade yummies. Thanks, mom! |
Bowling with the in-laws. |
Lookin' FRESH in my skirt and bowling kicks. Jealous much? |
New scarf from my sister-in-laws! |
Date night with J. Wearing my new dress! |
That dude played "I like Big Butts" on his piano and sang along. It made my night. |
Belly love. |
Thanks, guys. It was fab.
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