As this is my last day at 26, I thought it'd be a good time to check up on my list of 27 things. Last year on my birthday I put together a list of 27 things I'd like to accomplish before I turned 27. Here's a little update on how I did.
1. Take one (at least!) picture each day.
Not bad, not perfect. My Instagram phase has helped a little. I've taken a break, but need to get back on this!
2. Watch a movie my husband loves that I've never seen. i.e. Star Wars, Harry Potter...
Still haven't seen Star Wars or Harry Potter. Oops.
3. Declutter my email inbox.
4. More date nights.
Yes! We've had fun getting together with friends and on our own. Being in a new (bigger) city and closer to family has made this easy. We like to frequent "First Friday's" Downtown Art Walk and have tried numerous new restaurants.
5. Write a letter. or two.
Kinda... will hope to do much more of this this year.
6. Make something from scratch for a week.
Nope. Not quite the same in someone else's kitchen.
7. Clean out the garage.
Hehe. If I had only known...
8. Keep up the blog.
Not bad. Hoping to keep this up.
9. Go on a road trip with J.
All the way to Texas, baby!
10. Read 5 books.
I can't believe it, but yes.
11. Bake a layered cake.
Need to do this ASAP.
12. Eat from my garden.
A couple tomatoes, but that was a FAIL.
13. Deep clean the entire house.
haha, again, if I only knew.
14. Run a 1/2 marathon.
15. Run a marathon. (dream big, right?)
Not so much.
16. Write and follow a more specific budget.
Budget written.
17. Random acts of kindness.
Need more.
18. Reunion with my college sorority friends.
YES! Love those peeps. They all keep moving away, but we still pick back up right where we've left off. That's the best.
19. Cook at home for two weeks straight.
20. Drink 10 or less Diet Coke's.
ZERO! Still in shock.
21. Write in a journal.
Just started one this month, actually.
22. Give compliments each day.
To students, yes.
23. Make my bed for 2 weeks straight.
Again, HA!
24. Run 500 miles.
689 logged on mapmyrun.
25. Go computer free for 5 days. (that sounds impossible!)
Spring Break- does that count?
26. Give more charity.
Need more.
27. Say thank you more often.
Again, never enough.
I'm still working on my list of 28 things, but I'll hopefully get that up by the weekend. 2012-2013 has been a crazy roller coaster. I've learned more, loved more and experienced more that I could have ever imagined. I've loved having this "to do" list to look back at throughout the year, even if it didn't all get accomplished.
Hope you're having a great week!
I'm still working on my list of 28 things, but I'll hopefully get that up by the weekend. 2012-2013 has been a crazy roller coaster. I've learned more, loved more and experienced more that I could have ever imagined. I've loved having this "to do" list to look back at throughout the year, even if it didn't all get accomplished.
Hope you're having a great week!