
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Back in May, I semi-participated in Jenni's "Blog a day in May". Not only did this activity inspire me to write on topics I would have never thought of on my own, but it also got me writing more frequently.

I was so excited to see that Jenni is hosting a similar challenge this September, Blogtember. This time you don't blog each day, only during the week. I'm really hoping to stick with this (and also  #fmsphotoaday in September on Instagram) and write on each of her prompts. Who else is in?!

Here are the prompts from Jenni's site:

Tuesday, Sept. 3Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

Wednesday, September 4If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? (bonus points for fun photos from Pinterest, but don't forget to cite the source!)

Thursday, September 5Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 

Friday, September 6A story about a time you were very afraid.

Monday, September 9Take this short personality test and respond to your results. (at the end, find the detailed profile of your personality account - click "click to view" under "You" and "self awareness and personal growth." You can even google your type and find more info on it!)

Tuesday, September 10Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.

Wednesday, September 11Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop.

Thursday, September 12Discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you.

Friday, September 13A self portrait

Monday, September 16Write a public love letter to someone in your life. (It doesn't necessarily need to be romantic.)

Tuesday, September 17A memory you would love to relive.

Thursday, September 19Creative writing day: write a (very short) fictional story that starts with this sentence: "To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century."
The story does not necessarily need to have a conclusion - you can leave your readers wishing for more!

Friday, September 20React to this term: comfort. 

Monday, September 23A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!

Tuesday, September 24Review a book, place, or product.

Wednesday, September 25Write about a time you screwed up - a mistake you made. 

Thursday, September 26Go to a coffee shop. Order a favorite drink. Write about what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Or write about anything you'd like! Bonus points for including a photo from the coffee shop. (I recommend downloadingOmmwriter and bringing headphones along!) *if you can't make it to a coffee shop, at least leave your usual space and write someplace new.

Friday, September 27An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you'd like. (but don't include people's real names.) 

Monday, September 30Share a photo of something old. Maybe something that has personal history for you, that was passed down to you, and that has special meaning to you. Tell us about it and why it's special.

Meaghan Allison Graber

25 weeks.

Written August 27th

how far along: 25 weeks.

size of baby: a rutabaga (?!)

maternity clothes: yes.

symptoms: I had a boost of much needed energy last weekend and was able to get a lot of school work done. I've also been having trouble sleeping- waking up in the night alert, then finally falling back asleep right before its time to get up. Lovely :)

exercise: Not great this week so far. It's so dang hot outside!

cravings/aversions: my 5:15 alarm is making coffee harder and harder to resist.

movement: Yep! The best.

sleep: see above :)

gender: let's hear it for my BOY!

looking forward to: An awards breakfast tomorrow for a student-nominated award I received last spring. Things like this really have a way of boosting you up! And......A three day weekend! And going to the Sorting KC game with J on Saturday.

worries: I've been thinking more about post birth lately... Worrying about keeping up with work while on leave, and balancing it all. 

milestones: Hmmmm?

best moment this week: I scored some great baby things at a consignment sale last weekend, and a box of the most adorable little boys clothes at a garage sale on Saturday. I can't resist a 50 cent itty bitty neon green gingham button down!

Friday, August 23, 2013

24 weeks.

Written August 23rd
No bump picture this week- fail! It's growing, needless to say.

how far along: 24.5 weeks.

size of baby: a cantelope.

maternity clothes: yes.

symptoms: this has been quite the week and a half, hence the late post! I'm back to work this week and am busy busy busy. Symptoms, are... Tired, hungry, moody, and my feet hurt! Ok, done whining. The best "symptom"? KICKS! I could lay around just feeling his little flutters all day. It's just the cutest. And it makes this pregnancy feel much more real. I think about him all the time and what he might be like, look like, sound like, etc. I can't wait to meet him. Wait, yes I can. 16 more weeks actually. Stay in there, dude.

exercise: I thinking teaching 7th grade should count in this category. I did take a nice long walk a few days. I think my jogging days are sadly ending. I'm already anxious to get into a running routine next spring.

cravings/aversions: Candy. But that's nothing new.

movement: J felt him move last Saturday. Possibly the best husband-wife moment yet.

sleep: yes. I need more!! 

gender: boy :)

looking forward to: Labor Day. The September one when I get to sleep in a not work. I'm thinking of getting the painting in the nursery done that weekend. 

worries: I just want him to stay put for the long haul. I know he won't just fall out, but still. I'm also worried about getting everything together before he's here: insurance stuff, school sub plans, daycare, and what not.

milestones: Movement!

best moment this week: I've probably said this enough- movement! We gotto see the baby on another ultrasound unexpectedly this week and he was doing great. He is still a he and has the cutest little cheeks :) Also, we celebrated j's birthday this week, which was fun. My new students seem sweet and adorable so far. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

23 weeks

Written August 13th

how far along: 23 weeks.

size of baby: a grapefruit.

maternity clothes: Woo hoo! The clothes I ordered actually work!

symptoms: Not too much. I'm getting tired with this new back-to-school schedule, but that's true pregnant or not!

exercise: I should start doing more... a few walks and a jog on Sunday was it this week.

cravings/aversions: Kind of a yucky feeling this week, so nothing sounds too good.

movement: a little. It's so fun!

sleep: mostly good.

gender: boy :)

looking forward to: Our appointment tomorrow.  I always love hearing his little heartbeat, and I'm excited to ask some more questions this week.

worries: Still Daycare. And starting school. And being gone from school.

milestones: Only 17 weeks or less to go!

best moment this week: This has been a fun week. I spent my last few days of summer relaxing and doing a few projects around the house.  I even dug out the sewing machine and made baby boy some burp cloths.  I went to a retirement party from my old job and got the chance to catch up with some of my very favorite people- a highlight for sure! I spent Sunday lounging around with J and enjoyed a nice long chat with a good friend.  Going back to school has been good, but I'm not quite ready for the kiddos to walk through the doors on Thursday.  Ready or not, here they come! 

Meaghan Allison Graber

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

22 weeks.

Written August 7th

how far along: 22 weeks.

size of baby: a papaya. Is it just me, or does it seem like that fruit is smaller than a banana?

maternity clothes: I ordered some work pants and am anxiously awaiting their delivery as school starts back this week (wah wah). I can still manage to wear my regular jeans with the hair tie trick.

symptoms: My feet ache! Crossing my fingers that if my feet grow, that they shrink back again so I can still wear all my shoes. If not, I guess that'll be some fun shopping I guess!

exercise: We rode bikes a lot on vacation last week and went on a few walk/jogs.

cravings/aversions: Aversion-garlic. Not eating it, but smelling it is too much. There's a story to this, but I'll spare you the details.

movement: here and there....

sleep: mostly good.

gender: boy :)

looking forward to: Getting the nursery set up. Our crib was delivered this week and I found an old dresser that we will use as a changing table. I'm anxious to get the room painted and moving along!

worries: Daycare. Oy. Vey.

milestones: People are commenting on my bump- so it must be looking more baby than gut lately. Milestone for sure, peeps.

best moment this week: Relaxing for week on the beach in North Carolina and catching up with my in-laws was a nice getaway. We got back to town just in time to attend one of my student's Bat Mitsvah's and it was so incredible to see her celebration. I was honored to have been invited and had so much fun dancing it up with her and some other past students. It definitely makes starting the school year easier when I remember how awesome those kiddos are!