
Monday, February 17, 2014

Lucas :: Two Months

Lucas Neal

written Friday, Feb. 14th, edited Monday, Feb. 17th. hoping to add pictures later this week when you are feeling better!

Two months old, already??! I know your dad and I will be saying this for the rest of our lives.  You have changed so much this month and are becoming so interactive.  You smile at us when we smile at you.  My favorite is your "cooooo!" that you squeal with your little "whistle" lips.  We have our own little conversations that I treasure.  You are especially talkative in the morning, on the changing table and while you play on your play mat.  You love to kick and move your arms all over the place!  Also, you've discovered how tasty your fist can be and want it in your mouth always!

I've been getting much better at getting out of the house with you.  At first, I thought I needed to take everything you might need, but I quickly learned what is really important.  We've had trips to Target, the grocery store, friend's houses and lots of visits with the family.  I look forward to some warmer weather this month when I can take you OUTSIDE! I hope you love it.  With only a couple weeks left of maternity leave, I'm trying to soak up all of these little moments.  I will sure miss them.

Daily Routine:
I'm happy to report-- there is routine in this house! Generally, you wake up about 8am for the day and eat about every 3 hours.  We tried stretching your feedings a little, and it just wasn't working, so we decided to stick with what works for now.  After you eat, you are usually awake for about an hour, playing, looking around, filling your diaper... :) You'll go down for a nap after that for anywhere from 30 minutes to almost 2 hours.  After your 5pm feeding, you play, take a short nap and get a bath from dad around 7:30. I pick out your pjs and your dad gets your dressed, swaddled (he's a master!) and then reads you stories for about 20 minutes.  After he turns on your ever-loved "rain" app, you are out for the night by about 8pm.  You've been waking up about 1:30 and again at 5am, or sometimes just at 5am.  We're working on eliminating that at least one of those! ;)  

Weight: 14.6 lbs. (94th percentile)

Length:  24.5 inches (94th percentile)

Diaper Size: Size 2 for about a 2 weeks now.

Clothes Size: Some 0-3 month stretch onsies and pjs, but mostly 3-6 months.

Hair Color: Your hair has starting growing in again this week! It's adorable,  although still difficult to tell exactly what color it will be.  I'm guessing dirty blonde.

Eye color: More blue each day.

I'm sad to say that this post is up late because you've caught your first virus.  You've been coughing and sneezing and full of snot! I would do anything to take your sickness for you.  After a couple of doctor's visits, it seems as if we just have to let it run its course.  You are such a trooper and are smiling even though I know you don't feel well!  We've been doing breathing treatments every 4 hours to help with you cough and wheezing. I'm hoping today is the turnaround because I'm so ready to have you feeling back to your fun, active self! On the positive note, your baby acne has cleared completely and your eye has not acted up either! 

Your favorite.  It is hard to tell exactly how much you eat each session, but I'm guessing around 4 oz, as that's about how much you'll finish from a bottle.  You HATE to be burped in the middle of a feeding.  You SCREAM and cry the most adorable cry until you are eating again.  You will even continue to cry after your finished eating, I think because you love it so much.  

You hold your head like a champ and love to sit up.  Looking around the room and following those who walk by is another one of your favorite things.  When playing on your play mat, you can hit and kick the toys to make them rattle and move.  "Coooo" and "AHH!" are constantly sung in a variety of octaves these days. You love to hold onto your burp cloth while nursing and can throw a good punch if I'm not paying attention! Our absolute favorite is to have your mimic our voices.  You love to hear us say "OOOOOO!" and then you will say "OOOO!".  Yesterday you even were sticking your tongue out with your dad! Oh my heart.

Your favorite toy: 
You still love your pacifier, but the new favorite toy is most definitely your play mat.  You like to spend lots of time looking in the mirror staring at yourself and kicking those dangling toys.

-night in the crib

Your smile brightens our days.  Your dad and I both agree that our life is forever greater now that you are here with us.  I hope you love being a part of our family just a smidge as much as we love having you.  You sure are loved, little one!

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