
Sunday, December 23, 2012

What I'm Loving Lately.

Sitting here on this Christmas Eve Eve with a full day ahead with no solid plans.  Slept in, gym checked off for the day, gingerbread cookies in the oven, pot roast in the crock pot and a quiet house.  Is this a joke?

1. Snow. Kansas had it's first snow of the season this week.  There is something about a fresh snow that is just magical.

2. Cooking... well, baking.  So far this holiday I've baked sugar cookies (twice!), brownie trifle, gingerbread cookies and pumpkin muffins.  Savoring the sweet stuff for reals.

3. Amazon.  This year I bought a bunch of gifts online.  I don't know why I haven't done this before... shipped straight to your door and it comes in a box?  I know I'm a little late on this game, but it's a good one.
4. Christmas Cards.  It's so fun to get pretty cards, especially the ones with photos in the REAL mail.  Next year I'll have to steal one of these clever ideas to keep them displayed.

5. Winter Break. My break started one day early this year because of a snow day.  And although I was happy for the snow, I was actually sad to miss the last day before winter break!  Not only were the kids going to be so excited, but the faculty had some sweet holiday plans for that day, too.  Oh well, I got lots of wrapping done, as well as some extra time with my mama. 

6. Family. Speaking of mama, she's recovering from a little surgery this week.  I am so thankful for excellent nurses and doctors, and for good news before the holiday. We have lots of fun plans ahead these next few days. J's family has lots of babies that I'll get to snuggle with all day tomorrow, and my family will all be together for Christmas Day.  I can't wait to catch up with everyone.  It really is the best time of the year.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

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