
Monday, December 10, 2012

What's in my {gym} bag?

Hi guys!  I know, I'm still in shock myself, but here I am sticking with my word and linking up with The Domestic Wannabe for "Move it Monday".
As far as workouts go, this week was not my finest.  With excuse after excuse, and finally a cold that settled in for the weekend, I only managed 3 workouts.  I did get a chance, however, to try out a new class at the gym called Ballet Booty.  As a former dancer, this looked like the least intimidating class on the list.  It lasted about one hour, and consisted of a mix of floor/pilates and barre work.  I didn't sweat much, but I was definitely working out muscles that I haven't in a LONG time.  It felt good, and I'll be back this week.  My plan is to try out Spin Cycle tonight with J.  I'm imagining this class to be like a disco on a bike... we'll see if it lives up to that dream.

Without home decorating to discuss, I'm lacking inspiration for this blog.  Therefore, I've decided to start a "What's in my bag?" series.  I plan to discuss some of my favorite things in my makeup bag, grocery bag, travel bag, etc.  Hopefully I'll hear about some of your favorites, too!

What's in your gym bag that you can't live without?

1 comment:

  1. Any workouts are better than none! I use Map my Run a lot when I have the privilege of running outside.

    Also, thanks for sharing "what's in your gym bag," I've been looking for new workout shirts and pants and I will have to make a trip to Target to check those out, at least now I will have a reason to go!

    I am slightly embarrassed to admit that the only time I took a spin class I had to leave in the middle. It is tough! I wish you luck with it as well as this week!
