My husband and I were graciously invited to join a book club by J's best friend's parents along with four other newly(ish)weds. Timothy Keller's book, The Meaning of Marriage, would guide our discussions from week to week. Having never been a part of a book club, I was both excited and nervous all at the same time. The hosts welcomed us with a delicious dinner each week and invited us to open ourselves up in a way that neither J or I had done publicly before. I must say, I am so glad we went.
I must preface this by saying my marriage is good, very good, but all marriages need work. I feel so lucky to have a husband who challenges me and our relationship to reach the full potential. With that challenge comes happiness, growth, as well as discomfort and pain. We've only been married a little over two years (have been together over 5 years), but I already am certain that we will only grow stronger throughout the years to come.
Using the Bible as his guide, the author and his wife take a look at different perspectives and aspects of marriage throughout the book's 8 chapters:
1. The Secret of Marriage
2. The Power of Marriage
3. The Essence of Marriage
4. The Mission of Marriage
5. Loving the Stranger
6. Embracing the Other
7. Singleness and Marriage
8. Sex and Marriage
Although I did not agree 100% with everything in this book, I am defintely a better wife having even thought about each chapter. I am most definitely still learning, but I am excited about that process. Throughout the next couple of weeks my goal is to write a little blurb on my take on each chapter- what I liked, what I want to remember, what stood out to me.
My advice-- get reading already! :)