how far along: 13 weeks
size of baby: a peach!
maternity clothes: nope. At my appointment on Thursday I had gained 2 lbs, but I really don't feel like my body has shown many changes at this point. Some days I feel like I have a bloat belly, but its been going away in the mornings.
symptoms: I must say, I feel like I've been pretty lucky! Other than being tired all the time and a few headaches, it's been great. I've also been weirdly sore, like I worked out really hard (but I didn't.....)
exercise: A few walks and a 2 mile run. I'm hoping to step this up during the summer!
cravings/aversions: Chips! Salty is not my usual go to but man chips hit the spot. And cheese.
movement: nope.
sleep: other than 2-4 potty breaks, good. I thought peeing during pregnancy was only when you had a giant baby sitting on your bladder. I thought wrong!
gender: I’m down to 80% sure it's a boy. The baking soda test says girl, but still.
looking forward to: Summer break!
worries: I was worried about finding the heartbeat, but we got to see it on Thursday. Just the usual worries now that everything is happening as it should.
milestones: We SAW the heartbeat on the ultrasound! The doctor couldn't find it via the Doppler (cue freaking out) so we had an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. We got to see our little baby wiggling around in there! My heart immediately exploded with love. It was such a miraculous experience for Justin and I.
best moment this week: Announcing our news! We told friends, co-workers, and I just told my students today.
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