
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

15 weeks.

So technically speaking, today I am 14 weeks 2 days, which means I am in my 15th week this week. Make sense? I had been posting at the end of each week, but it was confusing me (and my husband), so I'm switching it up and am going to post at the start of each week instead. You get two very similar posts in two days. :) 

taken at 7:05 am... not my best look. 

Written June 11th

how far along: 15 weeks

size of baby: an orange! whoa.
maternity clothes: Still not yet, but limiting my options quickly.

symptoms: Nothing too exciting, which is good! I feel pretty good most days.  The mornings are definitely the best (but that's nothing new for me). After about 5pm, I'm pretty useless. And am still unusually stupidly sore.

exercise: Two more 3 mile runs and lots of little walks here and there.  Enough to say I did SOMETHING, but nothing to brag about for sure.

cravings/aversions: Grilled cheese and chips. MMMM. No aversions unless I'm queasy.

movement: Not yet... but I'm starting to think about it more often.

sleep: I can go to sleep just fine, but I wake up a lot.  At least I'm not still eating in the middle of the night. oops.

gender: Still think it's a boy. 

looking forward to: My friend's bachelorette party this weekend! Re-uniting with some great gals will be great.  I have no idea what I'm going to wear, though.... Also, we're seeing Mumford and Son's with friends, so that will be fun!

worries: I have weird dreams that make me worry this kid is going to arrive with nothing prepared on my end quite frequently. Nothing too worrisome this week though.

milestones: We HEARD the heartbeat.  TWICE. It's just so so cute. 

best moment this week: Nothing really related to the babe, but I did have a lot of fun going to my old studio's dance recital last weekend.  I really wish I could still do that stuff.... oh, wait.  I never could do that.  They're like awesome now.  Like SYTYCD awesome.  

Also, my sister-in-law came into town to visit for a couple days.  Like I was telling her, she's the "glue" in the family.  The one everyone turns to for direction (literally and figuratively).  Just a bundle of positive energy and goodness.  So nice to see that gal.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I'm 15 weeks 3 days so we are very close to one another!
