
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

1st Trimester Must-Haves.

For any new mamas-to-be, I thought it might be helpful to create a list of some things I found helpful throughout the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.  Every pregnancy is different, and these were my favorites.  Luckily, I have wonderful friends and family who have helped me out a TON already-- sending sweet gifts, giving advice, lending me clothes, offering to help, etc.
1. What to Expect Pregnancy App.  This app tells you day-by-day and week-by-week what is going on with you and your baby.  Your body feels completely different almost instantly, so this app helped me feel "normal".  Also, the message boards are a great place to go to if you feel like you need reassurance that your symptoms are in fact, okay.

2. Pregnancy Books.  Those are my 3 favorites: You Having a Baby, Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy, and Belly Laughs.

3. Snacks.  Almonds, crackers and LEMON jolly ranchers were my saviors at work.  Nothing really sounded good at first, but these things helped ease my stomach.

4. Dry Shampoo.  Klorane is my favorite.  There are many days when all you want to do is sleep, and washing your hair becomes less of a priority more often than not.

5. Water bottle.  Stay hydrated!

6. Miralax.  Stay regular! haha. :)

7. A journal.  It is amazing how quickly you forget what it felt like to find out, visit your doctor the first time, tell your family, etc.

Not on the list above, but still a "must".


9. Zofran.  It's a prescription anti-nausea drug that I kept on hand and only had to take about 5 times total.  Although, it was a life-saver. As most of you know, I HATE/am-scared-to-death-of throwing up.

10. A friend (or 3) to talk about your "secret" with.  Girlfriends are the best.

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