
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

26 weeks.

Written September 5th

how far along: 26 weeks.

size of baby: a head of lettuce.

maternity clothes: yes.

symptoms: Nothing new this week. I'm feeling great in my last week of my second trimester!

exercise:  Walking, sweating and... Painting?!

cravings/aversions: A glass of wine always sounds pretty nice.... And this probably isn't pregnancy related, but fall food is in my future! I'm planning to make pumpkin muffins this weekend and a big pot chili will be made as soon as this heat calms itself down a bit.

movement: Defintely my favorite. 

sleep: not bad!

gender: let's hear it for my BOY!

looking forward to: A month full of travels, friends and fun. I'm also excited to start the third trimester- it's getting close!

worries: As much as I am looking forward to traveling, I'm also anxious about being away from home. You know, because that's normal. #freak

milestones: Well, we painted the baby's room last weekend, so that's something!

best moment this week: J and I went to our first Sporting KC game on Saturday and had a blast! We both agreed that we will have to make it there at least once each season to see a game. I can just imagine how much our little dude will love experiences like that:) 

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